О 0.6.15 по-китайски

Я верю, что на офсайте непеременно появится патчноут. Но, для самых нетерпеливых, наши китайские товарищи уже выложили патчноут для СN.
Корявый гугло-перевод можно найти на реддите. Особо нового ничего нет, пользуйтесь, кому интересно:

The main update:

  1. Added gold warships;

Warship adjustment

  1. North Cape naval battle activities;
  2. new game mode and army battle;

Other adjustments

A new gold warship:

The updated version of the game fitted F-class VI destroyer Hawk, I Class VIII battleship Rome, Y Series VII battleship York Duke and D-class VI-class destroyers T-61.

Second, the warship adjustment:

  1. Modifications to the geometric structure and texture of 鹩, Kidd, Lei, Colorado, G-101, Hood, New Orleans and the Yellow River;
  2. New Orleans guns opened fire after the air monitoring distance increased to 4.06 km, the smoke screen after the fire monitoring distance dropped to 6.62 km;
  3. Indianapolis dropped its monitoring distance to 7.26 kilometers after it opened fire in the smoke screen;

4.T-22 in the smoke after the fire monitoring distance dropped to 2.08 km;

  1. Ernst-Gade increased its monitoring distance to 3.23 kilometers after firing in the smoke screen;
  2. Lion A hull opened fire time and space monitoring distance increased to 4.06 km;
  3. 监 After the fire in the smoke screen to monitor the distance down to 4.29 km;
  4. Novick lowered its monitoring distance to 3.38 kilometers after firing in the smoke screen;
  5. After the fire broke out in Bogot Terry, the monitoring distance increased to 4.6 kilometers and the airborne monitoring distance increased to 3.04 kilometers after firing.
  6. Cheng security fire in the smoke screen after the monitoring distance increased to 2.31 km;
  7. Yueyang fireworks in the smoke after the monitoring distance increased to 2.77 km;
  8. Phoenix, Benson, Dimitri- Scoi and Iguanas have the same chance of fire as B and C hulls;
  9. All permanent paints added to reduce the attributes of post-war repairs, reduced by 10% for II-VIII, 20% for IX, 50% for X and 50% for Kobayashi’s Creativity;
  10. Type 9, Type 10, Type 11, Type 12, Type 15, Type 16, Type 30, Congratulations, Fridachin, Blade, Igor, Jackdaw, Las Putin, Banner of Advocates, Adler, Camouflage, Red October, Skull, Stars and Stripes and St Patricks 2017 Paint Added attributes of a 10% reduction in post-war repairs;
  11. Type 10 Coatings in Missouri and Black reduce the attributes of a 20% reduction in post-war repairs;
  12. Type 17, from the seabed and the final conquest painting to reduce the rate of repairs increased to 10%.

North Cape naval activities: version of the player after the update can participate in the Battle of the North Sea naval battle activities and can open the collection of the same name, the battle time will last 0.6.15 version;

  1. North Sea naval battle consists of five main tasks, each main task contains five sub-tasks, each main task will be completed after each player will receive three special supplies, including supplies, to complete the final task of the final sub-task can be Get Y Series VII Battleship York Duke and 10 Captain skills and a ship;
  2. After the version is updated, the first main task of naval battle in the North Cape will be conducted. A week later, the second main task will be launched, and so on.
  3. If the player purchased the Battle of the Duke of York before the Duke obtained the ship will receive 1470000 silver compensation, if the first battle through the purchase and then get the ship can get 9800 gold compensation;

5 players to use the Duke of York to participate in a battle to participate in the New Year raid battle, the completion of the battle will be 5 Class VI silver warships and the corresponding special coating, the ultimate reward for the Shane Horst polar theme painting, each The battle also has two achievements;

  1. to complete the task of a new Mexico, the second mission to get Gallisone, Ernst Gade task three can be obtained, Queen Elizabeth the fourth task, the fifth task available Fushun, all ships are shipped with «snow cover» Captain of the permanent coating and 3 skill points, if the player has been developed and purchased these warships can get the corresponding silver compensation, only when these players will have an extra seat when the ship will be paid extra compensation;
  2. The North Point Naval Warfare Supply Box will be available during the Naval Battle of the North Sea and the New Year raid war and will also be on sale in the mall. Each box will contain 3 cedar finishes, 25 Z-Flag / PP Flag / JC Flag Of any one and two collections;
  3. The player can exchange 4 unused collection items with the same collection item, and each additional collection item will be compensated to the player at a price of 15,000 pieces of silver coins once the collection item is completed.
  4. Complete Each Pagination Collection Players receive a North Cape Naval Warfare Replenishment Box and complete the Collection to receive a permanent coating of the Duke of York Duke Polar theme, a memorial flag and corresponding achievements.

Fourth, the new game mode and army battle:

  1. After the release of the new version joined the only VII-class battle can participate in the story «Nalai», players need to break through the enemy line of defense all the way forward to the enemy base and follow-up landing forces to provide support and destroy enemy ships;

After version of the Army Corps combat renews in the first season, the battleships previously released will also be reclaimed. After the battleships have been retracted, their captains will return to the barracks and reset the skill points for the newly hired captain to renew Training to the other I-class warships;

  1. Participate in the army battle players can reach the specific conditions to unlock Memorial achievements:

Achievements to obtain conditions  The Gale won seven or more regiments at the 4th Echelon  Typhoon won seven or more regiments in the third tier  The Gale fought seven or more regiments in the second tier  Storm fought seven or more regiments in the first tier 4. Achievements will be displayed on the naval memorial column, the price change from 9999999 to 100 oil, achievements will be released within one week after the version update to the player account.

V. Other adjustments:

  1. Updated version joined HB port;
  2. New Year’s warships will have the whistle function, the default N key is turned on, the player can hear the whistle within the appropriate range, the closer the distance the louder the sound, the enemy ship whistle only the enemy ship whistle has been monitored to be heard Arrive
  3. In order to prevent the player abuse whistle single whistle time up to 4 seconds, whistle can not whistling within 15 seconds after the first whistle 15 seconds will enter the cooling time of 30 seconds, you can continue to whistle during cooling However, a single duration of less than 4 seconds, and the whistling time will be added to the cooling time, the cooling time after the time can be longer for 4 seconds whistle;
  4. The game players can encounter 23 different whistles can be disabled in the sound settings interface;
  5. Fight loading interface new tips;
  6. Added aircraft carrier operations, surveillance radar, anti-aircraft guns and tips for different battleships;
  7. Players below level 8 players who stay too long in the telescope view will receive a prompt to exit telescope mode;
  8. Adding a new filter to the port’s reel to find the corresponding warship by searching for any two words in the name of any battleship;
  9. Players warships were destroyed after the transfer of perspective to team-mate, early warning of deep-sea torpedo tips are also based on changes observed in friendly warships.

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не в сети 6 лет


Комментарии: 4229Публикации: 290Регистрация: 18-08-2017

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45 Комментарий на "О 0.6.15 по-китайски"

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А для тех кто живет в Техасе и на уроках иностранного языка изучал испанский, перевод будет?


Прикольно читать через Googl-переводчик — много смешного. Я так понял, что можно будет выиграть 5 кораблей 6-го уровня, как в прошлом году.


Ну это секрет Полишинеля. После ввода в клиент адресных камуфляжей, даже ежу было понятно что именно будет раздаваться.


Зато сразу видно, что отдел болванца не сидит сложа руки.. Заработал на новогоднюю премию, кропотливо выставляя значения засвета при выстреле ГК в дымах.. Прям работа хурурга, не побоюсь этого слова. Где учат этому, выставлять до десятков метров засвет в дымах? Какие сложные диф.уравнения и матрицы надо решать для столь нетривиальной задачи?!


Метр высоты переключения нагнетателя.


мне еще не нравится(точнее нравится, но это ж не спроста) что на пермокамуфло еще скидку на обслуживание больше повесили.. Чую, что втихую занерфят коэф.заработка на всём..


Чую, что втихую занерфят коэф.заработка на всём..

Вот не люблю теории заговора, но помоему уже. Играть на 10ках без ПА хотя бы в ноль стало гораздо проблематичней, при том что личный скилл таки ростет по чуть-чуть.


Играю на десятках с прем камуфлом, фармлю по 300к каждую боль.
Спасибо Рыбке-Жиду за обновленные -50% к обслуживанию для прем кламуфла 10.


Клятi донатiр!!11


сильно зависит от десяток. Успешные ЭМ/КР фармят по чуть-чуть, успешная броневанна слегка посасывает, авик конкретно сосет — это если без према и прем-камуфла. С прем-камуфлом или с премом все фармят (мб кроме авика)


Чую, что втихую занерфят коэф.заработка на всём..

Проснись, Нео! Ты серешь! Он уже люто порезан в сравнении с релизом.


The game players can encounter 23 different whistles

23 разных гудка, Карл!)))


В том числе с Бибером и Бабкиной.


Меня просто умиляют эти сотые доли километра видимости после выстрела из дымов…..которые правят в каждом патче.
Хочется уже просто спросить — «Ребята, вы вконец акуели там, что ли?»


ребятам KPI надо поднимать. KPI сам себя не поднимет.
А так — работа проведена, баланс улучшился, сообщество восприняло правки позитивно (потому что на эти доли всем похуй)




Семён Семеныч

WTF??? Что было то?

Dark Lighter

Фикс! Проделки Фикса!! Работа Беса, очевидно.


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